Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bloggin' bout a revolution

As this summer comes close to an end, I'm feeling finally set into a very productive routine. Working the Sunset, full-time working on MAPS, and an internship with Equal Exchange have left me intellectually stimulated and content. Here's what's up:

The youth movement for change. Right now people are scared and lonely, unsure of what the future will bring. We hear so much about the war, the economy, the climate, injustice, and food that is designed to make us feel bad. People know the problems.

And there are solutions. Very logical ones whose time has come. In alternative energy, sustainable agriculture, electric cars and energy efficient buildings. Clean energy is the future--

it can't not be.

Every movement has risen in the youth: Civil rights, anti-war, apartheid.
And right now the incentives are there, the technology is there, and millions of young leaders are rallying around the cause. Power Vote, We Can Solve It, Congressional Energy Plans, the Campus Climate Challenge. If there's ever a time to call a movement about to tip, it's right now.

Get in to a meeting with people who care about something.

Let's stop distracting ourselves and see what human potential is all about.


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