Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Music of the Revolution

Help me, but I'm still skeptical in the power of music to lead a revolution of thought. It's certainly very good at complaining about the way things are (hip hop sometimes never gets past here), but where do you see music people can get behind in today's culture? Do you see any one genre or artist coming that can define what we stand for (sustainability, social justice, awareness) the way the Beatles and birth of Rock united people in the 60s?

I've heard good things from riot folk (check out riotfolk.org), hip hop, classic revolutionaries like Bob Marley or Hendrix, or some alternative (the White Stripes?). I really don't know enough about music to lead the discussion, but am serious about change. I'd be eager to hear what everyone thinks. Have you heard anything that really inspires you to action recently?
